Init Method

This method initializes the object with an Internet Information Server instance identifier. This identifier is used to map to the associated Membership server instance and the AUO entries defined for it.

IDL Definition

HRESULT Init( BSTR bszHostName ) ;



The Internet Information Server instance identifier.

Return Values

a standard HRESULT value.


The Init method is automatically called if the built-in ASP Server object is used to create the instance of the SchemaObjects COM class via the CreateObject method.  This is done in the ISchemaObjects OnStartPage method which is called by the ASP scripting context after the instance is created.


VBScript in an ASP script

Set ISchemaObjects = Server.CreateObject("Membership.SchemaObjects")
'  init called automatically

Alternately, we can call this method ourselves:

<% Set ISchemaObjects = CreateObject("Membership.SchemaObjects")
   call IschemaObjects.Init(2) ' IIS virt server 3

Note that in the first example, the Server object method CreateObject is used to create the instance.  The scripting context automatically invokes ISchemaObjects OnStartPage that in turn invokes the Init method.

See Also


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