Class VerifUsr

The VerifUsr COM class is used in an ASP environment to issue appropriate Membership server related cookies to a user.  Objects of this class should be used in the following situations:

Objects of this class will only work correctly if in an ASP scripting environment.

COM Class Identification

Programmatic Identifier




COM Class Name


Type Information

The complete Interface Definition Language (IDL) definition of this class is contained in the file <sdk_install_root>\include\verifusr.idl

The type library for this class is available as a resource in the verifusr.dll dynamic link library (DLL).  The default location of this DLL is c:\microsoft site server\bin\p&m\verifusr.dll.


The verifusr COM class exposes the single dual custom COM interface Iverifusr.  Thus, the methods and properties are accessible through the COM interface, or through the dispinterface Iverifusr. (IDispatch)

It should be noted here that instance of the Verifusr class require the ASP scripting context interfaces and thus the ASP environment.  Because of this, script languages used within ASP pages will be the primary clients for objects of this class.

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