This method is used to issue the necessary cookies to a new registered user account that did not previously have a corresponding anonymous cookie account.
IDL Definition
HRESULT IssueCookiesToNewUser(
BSTR bszUserName,
[out, retval] BSTR* pbstrNewGUIDValue
The name of the new user.
On return, the BSTR variable contains the user's new GUID value.
Return Values
A standard HRESULT value
This method is used to set a new user's Membership cookies during the construction of a new user account as well as generate a GUID value for the account. If the user already has a GUID value associated, use the IssueOldCookiesToNewUser method.
One must explicitly update the new account's directory properties with the new GUID value as this is a required property.
NewUserName = "FredJ"
ID = "o=company/ou=members/cn=administrator"
Password = "password"
Set IUserObjects = Server.CreateObject("Membership.UserObjects.1")
' assume this AUO is going to be used to create a new user
' with username "FredJ"
' set the new username in the AUO
' use these binding credentials to access the DS
IUserObjects.BinsAs "", ID,Password
' Now work with cookies
Set IVerifUsr = Server.CreateObject("Membership.VerifUsr.1")
' Check to see if the user already has a GUID
If Request("MEMUSER") <> "" Then
' No username and likely no GUID; Issue Cookies and Get a new GUID
GUIDValue = IVerifUsr.IssueCookiesToNewUser(Username)
' ADSI object loaded and the value put
' the required GUID value in the object
IUserObjects.Put "GUID", cstr(GUIDValue)
GUIDValue = IUserObjects.Get("GUID")
IVerifUsr.IssueOldCookiesToNewUser Username, GUIDValue
End If
' the info in the ADSI object committed to DS