IssueRecentChangesCookie Method

This method issues an updated timestamp cookie to the user that will notify the Membership virtual server instance on the next request that the user's directory data should be refreshed from the directory service.

IDL Definition

HRESULT IssueRecentChangesCookie(BSTR bszUserName);



The username of the user.  This name should be the name of the user as it appears in the REMOTE_USER server variable.  For example, if the relative DN of a user is "cn=JohnS", the username passed to this method should be "JohnS".

Return Values

a standard HRESULT value


This method should be invoked whenever a user's properties have been updated in the Membership directory service.  It issues or updates the "MemRightsChanged" timestamp cookie using the ASP Response object.  This cookie is therefore sent to the client along with the rest of the response.  When the user makes their next request, the timestamp notifies the Membership virtual server instance that the user's properties should be refreshed from the directory store.

This method is invoked by the UserObjects object automatically when a Put/PutEx method is invoked on its IADs interface.  In this case, no explicit call is necessary.


      Set IUserObjects = Server.CreateObject("Membership.UserObjects")
      call IUserObjects.GetObject("","").Put "something","somevalue"

      ' note that here we got the dispinterface on the ADSI object 
      ' directly using the GetObject method.  We must invoke
      ' IssueRecentChangesCookie explicitly.

      Set IVerif = Server.CreateObject("Membership.VerifUsr.1")

      '  change a property in the directory (code ommited)

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