IssueCookie Method

This method issues a cookie to the page response, inserting the correct Domain portion that the Siteserver system requires.

IDL Definition

HRESULT IssueCookie(BSTR bszCookieName,  BSTR bszCookieValue);



The name of the cookie


The associated value of the cookie

Return Values

a standard HRESULT value


This method can be used to simply "reset" a user's cookies that somehow have been lost or are not present. 


   ' The response.buffer line MUST be the first code 
   ' and/or HTML line on the page
  Response.Buffer = TRUE
  Set UserObjects = Server.CreateObject("Membership.UserObjects")
  Set vusr = Server.CreateObject("Membership.verifusr")
  vusr.IssueCookie "SITESERVER", "GUID=" & UserObjects.Get("GUID")
  vusr.IssueCookie "MEMUSER", UserObjects.Get("cn")

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