GetInfo Method

GetInfo fetches the AUO entries defined for a specified Membership virtual server instance.

IDL Definition

HRESULT GetInfo( [in] LONG lVirtServId  );



a Membership virtual server instance identifier (id).

Return Value

a standard HRESULT value


GetInfo is the first method you call when you want to view and/or update the AUO entries for a specified Membership virtual server instance. GetInfo will "succeed" even if the integer "ID" has not been defined. In this case, one may proceed to define the entries for this new Membership virtual server instance.


' Using Windows Scripting Host and VBscript
Option Explicit

' First the AuoConfig object gets instantiated
' using the special creator object
Dim ObjCreator
Set ObjCreator = CreateObject("ObjCreator.ObjCreator.1")

Dim AuoConfig
set AuoConfig = Obj.Creator.CreateObjAuth("MemAdmin.AuoConfig.1")

' now we want to work with Membership Instance 7, which has previously
'  been defined

call AuoConfig.GetInfo(7)
' here we view, update the entries.
AuoConfig.SetInfo   ' commits the changes for ID=7

' Now we wish to define a new Membership Instance #8
call AuoConfig.GetInfo(8)
' here we define the new entries  (code omitted)
AuoConfig.SetInfo     ' commits the entries for ID=8

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