Class BrokServers

The BrokServers COM class defines an object that can be used to configure information relating to Membership virtual server instances.  This includes the mappings to services, IIS meta-base information, and authentication types.

COM Class Identification

The following values can be used to identify this COM class.  These values are set in the registry when the Site Server 3.0 product is installed.

Programmatic Identifier




COM Class Name


Creating Instances of this Class

Programmers must use the special COM class ObjCreator.ObjCreator.1 to create instances of this class.  Directly creating instances will render all methods inoperable.


The BrokConfig COM class exposes the IBrokServers dual interface, exposing both a custom COM interface and a dispinterface to its properties and methods.

Security Issues

The account invoking methods on an instance of this class must have NT administrative privileges.

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