Class SetupStore

Programmers and administrators can use instances of the SetupStore (MemAdmin.DSConfig.1) COM class to setup directory service database backends.  This object will generate the default LDAP backend core database schema required for the LDAP server to function.  The backend database can be either Microsoft SQL Server or an Access database.

Programmers must use the special COM class ObjCreator.ObjCreator.1 to create an instance of this class.  Direct creation of the class will render all methods useless.

The user executing methods on an instance of this class must have NT administrative privileges.

All examples are in VBScript using the Windows Scripting Host (WSH) objects.

COM Class Identifiers

The following values can be used to identify this COM class.  These values are set in the registry when the Site Server 3.0 product is installed.

Programmatic Identifier




COM Class Name


Type Library

Type information is available for this class through a type library attached to the following DLL as a resource:

"c:\microsoft site server\bin\p&m\setupstr.dll"

Creating Instances of this Class

Programmers must use the special COM class ObjCreator.ObjCreator.1 to create instances of this class.  Directly creating instances will render all methods inoperable. 


The SetupStore COM class exposes the the ISetupStore dual interace, providing both a custom COM interface as well as a dispinterface to the methods and properties.

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