Class LDAPCfg

The LDAPCfg COM class defines an object that administrators can use to administer and/or configure instances of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server used by Site Server 3.0. 

COM Class Identification

The following values can be used to identify this COM class.  These values are set in the registry when the Site Server 3.0 product is installed.

Programmatic Identifier




COM Class Name


Type Information

Type information is available for this class through a type library attached to the following DLL as a resource:

"c:\microsoft site server\bin\p&m\ladmin2.dll"

One can view this information in the standard way.


The ldapcfg COM class exposes the single dual custom COM interface Ildapcfg.  Thus, the methods and properties are accessible through the COM interface, or through the dispinterface Ildapcfg. (IDispatch)

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