SetInfo Method

The Setinfo method commits (saves) the current configuration as defined in the object. 

IDL Definition

HRESULT SetInfo() ;

Return Value

a standard HRESULT value


You must have previously called GetInfo and specified a Membership virtual server instance. If GetInfo has not been called, this method will return an error.

This method must be used with care.  When SetInfo is invoked, all changes, deletions and additions to AUO entries that have occurs during the lifetime of this object will be committed.  This method essentially "saves" the entries as they appear in the AuoConfig object.

The process or thread invoking this method must have NT administrative credentials associated with it for the method to succeed.


' Using Windows Scripting Host and VBScript
Option Explicit

' First the AuoConfig object gets instantiated
' using the special creator object
Dim ObjCreator
Set ObjCreator = CreateObject("ObjCreator.ObjCreator.1")

Dim AuoConfig
set AuoConfig = Obj.Creator.CreateObjAuth("MemAdmin.AuoConfig.1")


' change or define some entries here
'  < code ommited >
'  Now we commit these changes so they take effect

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