Class BrokConfig

This COM class defines an object that administrators can use to configure Membership virtual server instances. 

COM Class Identification

The following values can be used to identify this COM class.  These values are set in the registry when the Site Server 3.0 product is installed.

Programmatic Identifier




COM Class Name


Type Information

The complete Interface Definition Language (IDL) definition of this class is contained in the file <sdk_install_root>\include\Brokcfg.idl.  Run the MIDL compiler to generate include files for C/C++.  Include the Brokcfg.h and Brokcfg_i.c to have the interface definitions, CLSID, IID and their associated GUID values made available to your application at compile time. 

The type library for this class is available as a resource in the auo.dll dynamic link library (DLL).  The default location of this DLL is c:\microsoft site server\bin\p&m\brokcfg.dll.

IDL Definition

Creating Instances of this Class

Programmers must use the special COM class with programmatic identifier ObjCreator.ObjCreator.1 to create an instance of this class using the CreateObjAuth method.  Direct creation of the class will render all methods inoperable.


The BrokConfig COM class exposes the dual custom COM interface IBrokConfig.  The methods and properties are accessible through the COM interface IBrokConfig, or through the dispinterface IBrokConfig. (through a standard IDispatch interface)

Security Issues

The process/thread invoking methods on the IBrokConfig interface must have the NT administrator credentials if the method is to succeed.

Interface IBrokConfig







interface IBrokConfig : IDispatch



        HRESULT LoadDefaults(LONG lVirtServId);

        HRESULT GetConfig(LONG lVirtServId);

        HRESULT SetConfig();

        HRESULT CheckAcct(BSTR bszDomain, BSTR bszName, BSTR bszPassword);

        PROPERTY_RW(LONG, lVirtServId, 1);

        PROPERTY_RW(BOOL,  bLocal, 2);

        PROPERTY_RW(BSTR,  bszServerName, 3);

        PROPERTY_RW(LONG, lPort, 4);

        PROPERTY_RW(BOOL,  bSecure, 5);

        PROPERTY_RW(LONG, lSecurePort, 6);

        PROPERTY_RW(LONG, lTimeLimit, 7);

        PROPERTY_RW(LONG, lSizeLimit, 8);

        PROPERTY_RW(BSTR,  bszBaseDN, 9);

        PROPERTY_RW(LONG, lCacheTimeout, 10);

        PROPERTY_RW(BSTR,  bszGroupPrefix, 11);

        PROPERTY_RW(BOOL,  bCreateGroups, 12);

        PROPERTY_RW(BSTR,  bszDomain, 13);

        PROPERTY_RW(BSTR,  bszDsName, 14);

        PROPERTY_RW(BSTR,  bszDsPwd, 15);

        PROPERTY_RW(BSTR,  bszProxyName, 16);

        PROPERTY_RW(BSTR,  bszProxyPwd, 17);

        PROPERTY_RW(BSTR,  bszProxyDomain, 21);

        PROPERTY_RW(BOOL,  bUseTrackCookie, 18);

  PROPERTY_RW(LONG, lPwdCookieTimeout, 19);

        PROPERTY_RW(BOOL,  bEnabled, 20);

        PROPERTY_RW(BSTR,  bszComment, 22);

        PROPERTY_RW(BOOL,  bPwdCookiePersist, 23);

        PROPERTY_RW(BSTR,  bszRealm, 24);

        PROPERTY_RW(LONG,  lTokenCacheTimeout, 25);

        PROPERTY_RW(BSTR,  bszTokenCreatorDll, 26);

        [propget, id(27)] HRESULT bDirty([out, retval] BOOL * pRetVal);


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