The COM Classes

The Personalization and Membership feature provides an extensive set of COM/Automation compliant classes that allow interaction with the system.  A list of the classes along with a brief description of each appears below.

The Active User Object (AUO)

The UserObjects Class (Membership.UserObjects)

This class is at the heart of the Active User Object (AUO) system.  Programmers and scripters can use instances of this class to automatically and painlessly access directory service information for users in an ASP or other environment. 

The SchemaObjects Class (Membership.SchemaObjects)

This class is part of the Active User Object (AUO) system.  Programmers and scripters can use objects of this class to view and/or modify the directory service schema definitions for users.

The AuoConfig Class (MemAdmin.AuoConfig)

This class is the administrative tool used to configure the Active User Object (AUO) system.  Administrators can use objects of this class to set up the AUO system so that instances of the UserObjects and SchemaObjects classes will function.

Membership Server Front End Class

The VerifUsr Class (Membership.Verifusr)

This class can be used for a variety of tasks in an ASP environment.  It can be used to issue appropriate HTTP cookies to users that are required by Membership server instances, as well as provide authentication services for web sites that are using Forms Authentication.

The GuidGen Class (Membership.GuidGen)

This class provides access to the low-level COM library CoCreateGuid function.  This class allows script writers to generate GUID values in scripts at runtime.

Administrative Classes

The BrokServers Class (MemAdmin.BrokServers)

Objects of this class can be used to configure Membership virtual server instances.

The BrokConfig Class (MemAdmin.BrokConfig)

Objects of this class can be used to configure specific instances of the Membership virtual server.

The LdapCfg Class (MemAdmin.LdapConfig)

Objects of this class can be used to configure instances of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server instances.

The TMAdmin Class (MemAdmin.DMailConfig)

Objects of this class can be used to configure various instances of the Direct Mail instances.

The SetupStore Class (MemAdmin.DSConfig)

Objects of this class can be used to setup backend database information used by LDAP server instances to persist directory information.

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