Class SoftwarePackage

Programmatic Identifier: Push.SoftwarePackage.1

The Push.SoftwarePackage.1 class, hereafter referred to as the SoftwarePackage class, defines an object that can be used to manage information used to build a SOFTPKG XML element, as defined by the Open Software Description (OSD).

The SoftwarePackage class exposes a dispinterface to the methods listed below. Therefore, all invocations must proceed through the IDispatch interface.

Dispinterface ISoftwarePackage


Name Description
AddDependency Adds a dependency definition to the Dependencies collection.
AddElement Adds a user-defined XML element to the Elements collection.
AddImplementation Adds an Implementation object to the Implementations collection.
AddUsage Adds a Usage object to the Usages collection.
GetCDFString Builds and returns the CDF string defined by the object and all sub objects in collections.


Name Description
Abstract Holds a string value used to build the optional ABSTRACT element for the object's CDF string.
AutoInstall Holds a string value used to build the AUTOINSTALL attribute for the object's CDF string.
DeleteOnInstall Holds a string value used to build the DELETEONINTALL element for the object's CDF string.
DeleteOnRefresh Specifies whether this object should be deleted by a parent Channel object when DeleteObjects is invoked.
DependentType Holds a string value used to build the DEPENDENTTYPE element for the object's CDF string.
HREF Holds a string value used to build the optional HREF attribute for the object's CDF string.
Name Holds a string value used to build the optional NAME attribute for the object's CDF string.
Precache Holds a string value used to build the optional PRECACHE attribute for the object's CDF string.
Style Holds a string value used to build the optional SYTLE attribute for the object's CDF string.
Title Holds a string value used to build the optional TITLE element for the object's CDF string.
Version Holds a string value used to build the optional VERSION attribute for the object's CDF string.


Name Description
Dependencies A collection of dependency definitions.
Elements A collection of user-defined XML elements.
Implementations A collections of Implementation objects.
Languages A collection of strings each specifying a language.
LogoRefs A collection of Logo references to keys in a Project object's Logos collection.
Usages A collection of Usage objects.

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