RefreshAll Method

The RefreshAll method runs the refresh cycle for this Channel (i.e. invokes Refresh) and then invokes RefreshAll on each Channel object in the SubChannels collection.

VBScript Syntax

IChannel.RefreshAll  IProject



An IProject dispinterface (VT_DISPATCH).

Return Value



This method differs from the Refresh method in that it descends through the Channel object's SubChannels collection, invoking RefreshAll on each Channel object's dispinterface contained within. Thus, if invoked on the top level Channel object then all Channel objects in the hierarchy will have Refresh invoked in turn. In fact, this is precisely what occurs upon invocation of a Project object's Refresh method.



Set IProject = CreateObject("push.project")
Set IChannel = IProject.Channel
' (set up refresh options here
call IChannel.RefreshAll(IProject)

See Also

Refresh Method

RefreshOptions Collection

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