RefreshType Property

The RefreshType property is a string specifying the Active Channel Server Agent to use during the refresh cycle. 


String (VT_BSTR)




There are three categories of agents:

"userscript" or "custom"

The script name identified by the RefreshScript property is passed to the Active Scripting Host.

"manual" or "none"

No refresh cycle is run on this channel, and control is returned to the caller of Refresh.

All others.

The value is used to look up a registry key to find the associated named values defining the agent. The agent script specified by the named value "Agent Script" is passed to the Active Scripting Host.

If this property contains something other that "manual" or "none", and the system is unable to locate the appropriate agent script, an agent error is.

The table below lists the default agent names that come with the server, along with a brief description. Any number of new agents can be added.

Value Meaning
"manual" or "none" There is no agent for the channel; the content items are refreshed manually.
"File System" Use the file system agent.
"Search" Use the index server agent.
"Database" Use the database agent.
"Promotions" Use the Promotions agent.
"Briefing" Use the briefing agent.
"userscript" or "custom" Use a custom agent. Use the RefreshScript to specify the name of the script.

It is important to keep the spacing shown above when assigning the agent to the RefreshType property. For example: assigning "FILESYSTEM" will not work. It must be "file system". (Case is ignored in VBScript).


'  VBScript

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