Class CDFGenHelper

Programmatic Identifier: Push.CDFGenerator.1

The Push.CDFGenHelper COM class, hereafter referred to as the CDFGenHelper class, defines an Automation object that is used in an Active Server Pages (ASP) environment to generate and return personalized channel content for users. This class is designed to serve personalized CDF strings using a resident copy of a Push.Project object. Normally, an instance of the class is created in the Application_OnStart subroutine located in an ASP application's Global.asa file. It is then normally added to the Application Dictionary object and hence made available to executing ASP scripts that fall within the ASP application scope.

The CDFGenHelper class exposes a dual interface to methods and properties. They can be accessed via the IDispatch interface or the ICDFGenHelper COM interface. The interfaces exposed are listed below.

Interface ICDFGenHelper

The CDFGenHelper class exposes a dual interface to methods and properties. They are accessible as a dispinterface via the IDispatch COM interface, or directly through the custom ICDFGenHelper COM interface.


Name Description
GetCDFString Builds the custom CDF string using the selected channels.
GetSelectionListPropName Retrieves the property names used to store channel selections in the Membership directory service.
Load Loads the specified project.


Name Description
Project The dispinterface to a Project object.

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