The ID property holds the value used to build an optional ID attribute for the owning object's CDF element. When the CDF string for the object is constructed, the property is checked. If it is not null, the ID attribute is added to the element, with the value of the property set as the value.
String (VT_BSTR)
This attribute is used by the Mobile Channel channel distribution system to create a small identifier for an ITEM or CHANNEL element in a CDF stream. This is useful in cases where network bandwidth is at a premium, and sending long URLs for each element is not desirable or required. The intention is for the ID attribute to be a small string that is unique within the transmitted CDF stream. For example:
<ITEM ID="item1">…</ITEM>
A requirement is made that the top-level channel ID must be the same as the name of a .cdf file, if one is used.
A complete discussion of this element and its associated functionality is beyond the scope of this documentation. For additional information about XML elements used by the Mobile Channel channel distribution system, see the product documentation and SDK.
IDispChannel.ID = "c1"
IDispItem = IDispChannel.AddItem
IDispItem.ID = "i1"