Network Related Values

These values all have the bits 0x0300 in common.

HRESULT Value (Hex) Status Code Name Description
0x80040300 NET_E_GENERAL A network I/O operation failed.
0x80040301 NET_E_UNEXPECTED An unexpected network failure occurred.
0x80040302 NET_E_RESOURCES Operation failure: Not enough network resources to complete the operation.
0x80040303 NET_E_DISCONNECTED The network connection has been lost.
0x80040304 NET_E_BADSEQUENCE Internal error: Operation sequence is not valid.
0x80040305 NET_E_NETDOWN The network subsystem failed.
0x80040306 NET_E_WINSOCKNOTINITIALIZED Internal error: The Windows socket service is not initialized.
0x80040307 NET_E_ADDRINUSE Unable to initialize Search server. TCP/IP port is already in use.
0x80040308 NET_E_INVALIDPARAMS Internal error: The parameters passed were not valid.
0x80040309 NET_E_OPERATIONINPROGRESS Internal error: Another operation is already in progress on this socket.
0x8004030a NET_E_HOSTNOTFOUND Unable to find the specified host.
0x8004030b NET_E_HOSTLOOKUPFAILED Host lookup failed.
0x8004030c NET_E_CONNABORTED The network connection timed out or halted because of other errors.
0x8004030d NET_S_MOREDATA The current message contains additional data.
0x8004030e NET_E_CONNREFUSED The remote machine refused the connection.
0x8004030f NET_E_TIMEOUT The network operation timed out.

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