Query Related Values

These values all have the bits 0x0700 in common.

HRESULT Value (Hex) Status Code Name Description
0x80040701 QRY_E_QUERYSYNTAX The query syntax is not valid.
0x80040702 QRY_E_TYPEMISMATCH The column type in the search query does not match the column type in the catalog.
0x80040703 QRY_E_UNHANDLEDTYPE The query type specified is unknown or not handled.
0x80040704 QRY_E_NOROWSFOUND No matching items were found for this query.
0x80040705 QRY_E_TOOMANYCOLUMNS The number of columns requested exceeds the limit.
0x80040706 QRY_E_TOOMANYDATABASES The query contained too many catalog IDs.
0x80040707 QRY_E_STARTHITTOBIG The query start hit is larger than the total number of results.
0x80040708 QRY_E_TOOMANYQUERYTERMS Too many query terms.
0x80040709 QRY_E_NODATASOURCES No catalogs specified.
0x8004070a QRY_E_TIMEOUT The query operation timed out.
0x8004070b QRY_E_COLUMNNOTSORTABLE The query specified sorting a non-sortable column.
0x8004070c QRY_E_COLUMNNOTSEARCHABLE The query specified searching a non-searchable column.
0x8004070d QRY_E_INVALIDCOLUMN The query specified a nonexistent column.
0x8004070e QRY_E_QUERYCORRUPT The query data is not valid or is inconsistent.
0x8004070f QRY_E_PREFIXWILDCARD A query term begins with a wildcard character.
0x80040710 QRY_E_INFIXWILDCARD A query term contains an invalid embedded wildcard character.
0x80040711 QRY_E_WILDCARDPREFIXLENGTH A wildcard term in the query does not contain a sufficiently long prefix.
0x00040712 QRY_S_TERMIGNORED SUCCESS: The query term was ignored.
0x80040713 QRY_E_ENGINEFAILED The Search server is unable to process the query.
0x80040714 QRY_E_SEARCHTOOBIG The search criteria are too general or matched too many terms.
0x80040715 QRY_E_NULLQUERY The query does not contain any meaningful restrictions.
0x00040716 QRY_S_INEXACTRESULTS The query found some matching items but is unable to compile the entire result set.
0x80040717 QRY_E_NOCOLUMNS The query did not specify any return columns.
0x80040718 QRY_E_INVALIDSCOPES The scopes specified for the query were incorrectly formatted.
0x80040719 QRY_E_INVALIDCATALOG The catalogs specified for the query were incorrectly formatted.
0x8004071a QRY_E_SCOPECARDINALIDY The number of scopes or depths was not valid.

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