Source Schema Related Values

These values all have the bits 0x0c00 in common.

HRESULT Value (Hex) Status Code Name Description
0x80040c01 SCHEMA_E_LOAD_SPECIAL The configuration file attempted to load a reserved column.
0x80040c02 SCHEMA_E_FILENOTFOUND Unable to find configuration file.
0x80040c03 SCHEMA_E_NESTEDTAG The tag nesting configuration is not valid.
0x80040c04 SCHEMA_E_UNEXPECTEDTAG The configuration file contains an unexpected tag.
0x80040c05 SCHEMA_E_VERSIONMISMATCH The configuration file version number is invalid.
0x80040c06 SCHEMA_E_CANNOTCREATEFILE Unable to create output configuration file.
0x80040c07 SCHEMA_E_CANNOTWRITEFILE Unable to write to output configuration file.
0x80040c08 SCHEMA_E_EMPTYFILE The configuration file contains invalid information.
0x80040c09 SCHEMA_E_INVALIDFILETYPE The configuration file type is not recognized.
0x80040c0a SCHEMA_E_INVALIDDATATYPE The configuration file column data type is not recognized.
0x80040c0b SCHEMA_E_CANNOTCREATENOISEWORDFILE Unable to create noise word file.
0x80040c0c SCHEMA_E_ADDSTOPWORDS There was an error writing to the temporary noise word file.
0x80040c0d SCHEMA_E_NAMEEXISTS The specified column name already exists.
0x80040c0e SCHEMA_E_INVALIDVALUE The attributes value is invalid.
0x80040c0f SCHEMA_E_BADPROPSPEC The property set GUID is invalid.
0x80040c10 SCHEMA_E_NOMORECOLUMNS (no more columns)
0x80040c11 SCHEMA_E_FILECHANGED Unable to write to the configuration file because it was modified since last read.
0x80040c12 SCHEMA_E_BADCOLUMNNAME The specified column name is invalid.
0x80040c13 SCHEMA_E_BADPROPPID The property ID specified is invalid.
0x80040c14 SCHEMA_E_BADATTRIBUTE An invalid attribute has been specified for this tag or a required attribute is missing.
0x80040c15 SCHEMA_E_BADFILENAME The specified filename is invalid.
0x80040c16 SCHEMA_E_PROPEXISTS A column having the specified property set and PID already exists.
0x80040c17 SCHEMA_E_DUPLICATENOISE A noise word file for this language and sublanguage already exists.

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