Protocol Handler Related Values

These values all have the bits 0x1200 in common.

HRESULT Value (Hex) Status Code Name Description
0x80041200 PRTH_E_COMM_ERROR Communication error
0x80041201 PRTH_E_OBJ_NOT_FOUND Object not found
0x80041202 PRTH_E_REQUEST_ERROR Unable to complete request. Options are ambiguous or unsupported.
0x00041203 PRTH_S_NOT_MODIFIED Content has not changed.
0x80041204 PRTH_E_INTERNAL_ERROR Internal Error
0x80041205 PRTH_E_ACCESS_DENIED Access denied
0x80041206 PRTH_E_SERVER_ERROR Server internal error.
0x80041207 PRTH_E_NOT_REDIRECTED Redirected URL does not exist.
0x80041208 PRTH_E_BAD_REQUEST Bad request, possibly caused by bad URL.
0x00041209 PRTH_S_MAX_GROWTH This file has reached the maximum filter output limit.  Filtering of this file has been aborted.
0x8004120a PRTH_E_WININET Exception caught in WinInet.
0x8004120b PRTH_E_RETRY Accessor requests retry.
0x8004120c PRTH_E_MAX_DOWNLOAD This file has reached the maximum download limit.
0x8004120d PRTH_E_MIME_EXCLUDED URL is excluded because content type is not supported.

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