FollowComplexUrls Property

This property specifies whether to allow wildcards in the names of Web links to crawl.


IBuildCatalog.FollowComplexUrls [=Follow]



If True, Search allows the question mark (?) in filenames; if false, Search does not allow the question mark (?) in filenames.


The following example allows wildcards in the names of Web links to crawl.

Option Explicit 
On Error Resume Next

Dim objSearchAdmin, objBuildServer, objCatalogs, objCatalog 

Set objSearchAdmin = CreateObject("Search.SearchAdmin.1")
Set objBuildServer = objSearchAdmin.BuildServer
Set objCatalogs = objBuildServer.BuildCatalogs 

For Each objCatalog in objCatalogs
  objCatalog.FollowComplexUrls = True

'Release objects 
Set objCatalogs = Nothing 
Set objBuildServer = Nothing
Set objSearchAdmin = Nothing 

See Also

Sites, StartPages

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