Logs Property

This read-only property specifies a list of gatherer logs (IGatherLogs interface) that contain the names of the documents that Search successfully or unsuccessfully crawled, or ignored, while building a catalog.




The following example displays the name of the current the log file for every catalog definition.

Option Explicit 
On Error Resume Next

Dim objSearchAdmin, objBuildServer, objCatalogs, objCatalog, Logs, CurrentLog 

Set objSearchAdmin = CreateObject("Search.SearchAdmin.1")
Set objBuildServer = objSearchAdmin.BuildServer
Set objCatalogs = objBuildServer.BuildCatalogs 

For Each objCatalog in objCatalogs
  Set Logs = objCatalog.Logs
   Set CurrentLog = Logs.CurrentLog
  Wscript.Echo "The current log file For the " & objCatalog.Name 
    & " catalog is " & CurrentLog.Name

'Release objects
Set objCatalogs = Nothing 
Set objBuildServer = Nothing
Set objSearchAdmin = Nothing 

See Also

LogExcluded, LogSuccess

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