FollowDirectories Property

This property specifies whether Search performs a File (or Microsoft Exchange public folder) crawl and crawls directories (or folders) or performs a Web link crawl and follows links out of the start address.




If True, Search crawls directories (or folders) that are beneath the start address; if False, Search performs a Web link crawl out of the start address.


The following example displays whether Search crawls the directories under the Web page for the KMSampleCatalog1 catalog definition.

Option Explicit 
On Error Resume Next

Dim objSearchAdmin, objBuildServer, objCatalogs, objCatalog, objStartPages, objStartPage 

Set objSearchAdmin    = CreateObject("Search.SearchAdmin.1")
Set objBuildServer    = objSearchAdmin.BuildServer
Set objCatalogs    = objBuildServer.BuildCatalogs 
Set objCatalog     = objCatalogs("KMSampleCatalog1")
Set objStartPages  = objCatalog.objStartPages
Set objStartPage   = objStartPages.Item("")

If objStartPage.FollowDirectories Then
  Wscript.Echo objCatalog.Name & " crawls directories under " 
    & objStartPage.URL 
  Wscript.Echo objCatalog.Name & " does not search directories under " 
    & objStartPage.URL 

End If

'Release objects
Set objStartPage  = Nothing 
Set objStartPages = Nothing 
Set objCatalog    = Nothing 
Set objCatalogs   = Nothing 
Set objBuildServer   = Nothing 
Set objSearchAdmin   = Nothing 

See Also

EnumerationDepth, HostDepth, URL

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