Search Interfaces

The following table briefly describes the Search interfaces.

Interface Description
IBuildCatalog Manages a catalog definition.
IBuildCatalogs Manages catalog definitions (collection of IBuildCatalog objects).
IBuildServer Manages catalog definitions (through the IBuildCatalogs interface) and catalog build server properties.
ICatalogProperties The properties of a catalog.
ICatalogSearchServerList Manages information about Search hosts (collection of IIndexDs objects) to which a catalog (ISearchCatalogobject) is propagated.
IColumn Information about documents that Search indexes or retrieves while crawling.
IColumns Manages schema columns (collection of IColumn objects) of information about documents that Search indexes or retrieves while crawling.
IExtension Specifies a file extension that Search crawls or avoids when building a catalog.
IExtensions Manages file extensions (collection of IExtension objects) that Search crawls or avoids when building a catalog.
IGatherLog Manages a catalog build server log containing the names of the documents that Search successfully or unsuccessfully crawled, or avoided, while building a catalog.
IGatherLogs Manages catalog build server logs (collection of IGatherLog objects) containing the names of the documents that Search successfully or unsuccessfully crawled, or avoided, while building a catalog.
IGatherNotify Used to notify Search that content has changed and that a catalog should be updated.
IIndexDs Manages information about a Search host where Search propagates a catalog.
IMapping Specifies how documents are accessed when crawling (the crawler access location) and how documents are displayed to site visitors when searching (the display location).
IMappings Manages access-display mappings (collection of IMapping objects) that specify how documents are accessed when crawling (the crawler access location) and how documents are displayed to site visitors when searching (the display location).
IProtocol The properties of a protocol that Search crawls or avoids when crawling.
IProtocols Manages protocols (collection of IProtocol objects) that Search crawls or avoids when crawling.
ISearchAdmin Provides properties to access other Search interface objects on a specified host.
ISearchCatalog Manages a searchable catalog.
ISearchCatalogs Manages catalogs (collection of ISearchCatalog objects) that can be searched.
ISearchSchema Manages the properties (through the IColumns interface) and noise words (through the IStoplists interface) used to control what information is stored in a catalog.
ISearchServer Manages catalogs (through the ISearchCatalogs interface) and search server properties.
IServer How frequently Search is allowed to access a site.
IServers Manages site hit frequency rules (collection of IServer objects) that specify how frequently Search is allowed to access a site.
ISitePath Manages a path that Search crawls or avoids on a site.
ISitePaths Manages site path rules (collection of ISitePath objects) that tell Search whether to crawl or avoid certain paths.
ISiteRestriction Manages site that Search crawls or avoids, that may be configured with a content access account, and where Search crawls or avoids certain paths.
ISiteRestrictions Manages site rules (collection of ISiteRestriction objects) that tell Search whether to crawl or avoid certain sites.
IStartPage Manages a location where Search starts crawling a site.
IStartPages Manages start addresses (collection of IStartPage objects) where Search starts crawling.
IStoplist Manages a file containing noise words that Search ignores when building a catalog.
IStoplists Manages noise word files (collection of IStoplist objects) containing words that Search ignores when building a catalog.

While every Site Server Search user has read-only access to search server and catalog properties, you must have Site Server Administrator privileges to access catalog build server and catalog definition properties and to modify search server and catalog properties.

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