Item Property

This read-only property accesses a stop list (IStoplist interface) by its Name property.





A text string specifying the name of the stop list to access.


Since IStoplists is a collection, you need only include Item to access an IStoplist object by name (see the following Example).


The following example displays the names of all of the stop lists for the KMSampleCatalog2 catalog definition.

Option Explicit 
On Error Resume Next 

Dim objSearchAdmin, objBuildServer, objCatalogs, objCatalog, objSchema, objStoplists, objStoplist 

Set objSearchAdmin   = CreateObject("Search.SearchAdmin.1") 
Set objBuildServer   = objSearchAdmin.BuildServer 
Set objCatalogs   = objBuildServer.BuildCatalogs 
Set objCatalog    = objCatalogs("KMSampleCatalog2") 
Set objSchema     = objCatalog.objSchema 
Set objStoplists  = objSchema.objStoplists 

Wscript.Echo "The schema For " & objCatalog.Name & " has these stop lists:" 

For Each objStoplist in objStoplists
  Wscript.Echo objStoplist.Name

'Release objects 
Set objStoplist   = Nothing 
Set objStoplists  = Nothing 
Set objSchema     = Nothing 
Set objCatalog    = Nothing 
Set objCatalogs   = Nothing 
Set objBuildServer   = Nothing 
Set objSearchAdmin   = Nothing 

See Also

Count, IStoplist

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