IBuildCatalog Interface

This interface manages a catalog definition.



The following table briefly describes this interface's methods and properties.

Method Description
AbortProp Aborts the propagation of a build catalog.
ForceProp Forces a propagation of the build catalog.
PauseBuild Pauses a build.
ResumeBuild Resumes a build.
StartBuild Starts a build.
StartIncrementalBuild Start an incremental build.
StopBuild Stops a build.
Property Description
AutoPropLimit The number of documents to crawl before propagating.
AutoPropLimitEnabled Whether Search uses the AutoPropLimit property.
BuildServer The catalog build server (IBuildServer interface) that manages catalog definitions.
CurrentBuildProperties Information about the current build (as an ICatalogProperties interface).
CurrentPages List of documents being crawled.
Extensions A list of filename extensions (IExtensions interface) to crawl or avoid.
FollowComplexUrls Whether to allow wildcards in the names of Web links to crawl.
IsBuilding Whether Search is building a catalog.
IsLocalFileSchema Whether the local schema file is used as the schema.
LogExcluded Whether to log the names of documents excluded from crawling.
Logs A list of gatherer logs (IGatherLogs interface) that contain the names of the documents that Search successfully or unsuccessfully crawled, or ignored, while building a catalog.
LogSuccess Whether to log the names of documents successfully crawled.
Mappings The list of mappings (IMappings interface) that specify from where a file is searched (the crawler access location) to where a file is displayed to site visitors (the display location).
Name The name of the catalog definition.
NotificationSource The source string that identifies a gather Search catalog.
PreviousBuildProperties Information about the previous build (as an ICatalogProperties interface).
ProjectType The type of project.
Protocols The protocols (IProtocols interface) that Search uses when crawling.
Schema Document properties (ISearchSchema interface) that Search indexes or retrieves when building a catalog.
SearchServers The list of search server names (collection of ISearchServer interfaces) to which the catalog is propagated.
Sites The sites (ISiteRestrictions interface) that Search crawls or avoids.
StartPages The locations (IStartPages interface) where the crawl starts.
Status The status of the catalog.
StatusCode The status code of the catalog.

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