PerformanceLevel Property

This property specifies the amount of system resources applied to building catalogs.




PerformanceLevel has a range of from 1, which runs Search in the background, to 5, which dedicates all of the host machine's resources to Search.


The following example displays the level of performance.

Option Explicit 
On Error Resume Next

Dim objSearchAdmin, objBuildServer, PerfLevel 

Set objSearchAdmin = CreateObject("Search.SearchAdmin.1")
Set objBuildServer = objSearchAdmin.BuildServer

PerfLevel = objBuildServer.PerformanceLevel 

Select Case PerfLevel
  Case 1
    Wscript.Echo "Search runs in the background" 
  Case 2
    Wscript.Echo "Search runs at a low priority" 
  Case 3
    Wscript.Echo "Search runs at a medium priority" 
  Case 4
    Wscript.Echo "Search runs at a high priority" 
  Case 5 
    Wscript.Echo "Host resources are dedicated to Search" 
End Select

'Release Objects
Set objBuildServer = Nothing
Set objSearchAdmin = Nothing 

See Also

ConnectTimeout, DataTimeout

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