The IADsOU interface is used to get and set the properties of an OU object. The interface definition is as follows:
[ object, uuid(IID_IADsOU), oleautomation, dual ]
interface IADsOU: IADs
// Read/write properties.
HRESULT Description ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrDescription);
HRESULT Description ([in]BSTR bstrDescription);
HRESULT LocalityName ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrLocalityName);
HRESULT LocalityName ([in]BSTR bstrLocalityName);
HRESULT PostalAddress ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrPostalAddress);
HRESULT PostalAddress ([in]BSTR bstrPostalAddress);
HRESULT TelephoneNumber ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrTelephoneNumber);
HRESULT TelephoneNumber ([in]BSTR bstrTelephoneNumber);
HRESULT FaxNumber ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrFaxNumber);
HRESULT FaxNumber ([in]BSTR bstrFaxNumber);
HRESULT SeeAlso ([out, retval]VARIANT *pvSeeAlso);
HRESULT SeeAlso ([in]VARIANT vAlso);
HRESULT BusinessCategory([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrBusinessCategory);
HRESULT BusinessCategory([in]BSTR bstrBusinessCategory);
Method | Syntax | Description |
Description | String | Gets and sets the text that describes the OU. |
LocalityName | String | Gets and sets the locality name. The locality name identifies a geographical area in which the container is physically located. |
PostalAddress | PostalAddress | Gets and sets the postal address of the organizational unit. |
TelephoneNumber | TelephoneNumber | Gets and sets the telephone number associated with the OU. |
FaxNumber | FaxNumber | Gets and sets the fax number associated with the OU. |
SeeAlso | List | Gets and sets an array of names of other directory objects which may be relevant to the OU. |
BusinessCategory | String | Gets and sets a string indicating the general business function(s) performed by the organizational unit, for example "Accounting", "Goat Herding", "Extortion" etc. |