The IADsComputer interface is used to get and set the properties of the Computer object. The interface definition is as follows:
[ object, uuid(IID_IADsComputer), oleautomation, dual ]
interface IADsComputer: IADs
// Read-only properties.
HRESULT ComputerID ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrComputerID);
HRESULT Site ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrSite);
// Read/write properties.
HRESULT Description ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrDescription);
HRESULT Description ([in]BSTR bstrDescription);
HRESULT Location ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrLocation);
HRESULT Location ([in]BSTR bstrLocation);
HRESULT PrimaryUser ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrPrimaryUser);
HRESULT PrimaryUser ([in]BSTR bstrPrimaryUser);
HRESULT Owner ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrOwner);
HRESULT Owner ([in]BSTR bstrOwner);
HRESULT Division ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrDivision);
HRESULT Division ([in]BSTR bstrDivision);
HRESULT Department ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrDepartment);
HRESULT Department ([in]BSTR bstrDepartment);
HRESULT Role ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrRole);
HRESULT Role ([in]BSTR bstrRole);
HRESULT OperatingSystem ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrOperatingSystem);
HRESULT OperatingSystem ([in]BSTR bstrOperatingSystem);
HRESULT OperatingSystemVersion ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrOperatingSystemVersion);
HRESULT OperatingSystemVersion ([in]BSTR bstrOperatingSystemVersion);
HRESULT Model ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrModel);
HRESULT Model ([in]BSTR bstrModel);
HRESULT Processor ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrProcessor);
HRESULT Processor ([in]BSTR bstrProcessor);
HRESULT ProcessorCount ([out, retval]bstr *pbstrProcessorCount);
HRESULT ProcessorCount ([in]bstr bstrProcessorCount);
HRESULT MemorySize ([out, retval]bstr *pbstrMemorySize);
HRESULT MemorySize ([in]bstr bstrMemorySize);
HRESULT StorageCapacity ([out, retval]bstr *pbstrStorageCapacity);
HRESULT StorageCapacity ([in]bstr bstrStorageCapacity);
HRESULT NetAddresses ([out, retval]VARIANT *pvNetAddresses);
HRESULT NetAddresses ([in]VARIANT vNetAddresses);
Property | Syntax | Description |
ComputerID | String | Get the globally unique identifier assigned to each machine, which serves as the authoritative identifier. |
Site | String | Gets the globally unique identifier identifying the site this machine was installed in. A site represents a physical region of good connectivity in a network. |
Description | String | Gets and sets the description of this computer. |
Location | String | Gets and sets the physical location of the machine where this machine is typically located. |
PrimaryUser | String | Gets and sets the name of the contact person in case something needs to be changed on this machine. |
Owner | String | Gets and sets the name of the person that typically uses this machine and has a license to run the installed software. |
Division | String | Gets and sets the division (e.g. ORG) within a company that this computer belongs to. |
Department | String | Gets and sets the department (e.g. OU) within a company that this computer belongs to. |
Role | String | Gets and sets the role of this machine: for example, workstation, server, domain controller. |
OperatingSystem | String | Gets and sets the name of the operating system used on this machine. |
OperatingSystemVersion | String | Gets and sets the operating system version number. |
Model | String | Gets and sets the make/model of this machine. |
Processor | String | Gets and sets the type of processor. |
ProcessorCount | String | Gets and sets the number of processors. |
MemorySize | String | Gets and sets the size of RAM in MB. |
StorageCapacity | String | Gets and sets the disk space in MB. |
NetAddresses | List | Gets and sets an array of NetAddress fields that represent the binding information for an object. The NetAddress syntax is discussed in Chapter 6, "Object Extensions". |