The IADsUser interface is used to get and set the properties of the User object. The interface definition is as follows:
[ object, uuid(IID_IADsUser), oleautomation, dual ]
interface IADsUser: IADs
// Read-only properties.
HRESULT BadLoginAddress ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrBadLoginAddress);
HRESULT BadLoginCount ([out, retval]long *plBadLoginCount);
HRESULT LastLogin ([out, retval]DATE *pdateLastLogin);
HRESULT LastLogoff ([out, retval]DATE *pdateLastLogoff);
HRESULT LastFailedLogin ([out, retval]DATE *pdateLastFailedLogin);
HRESULT PasswordLastChanged ([out, retval]DATE *pdatePasswordLastChanged);
// Read/write properties
HRESULT Description ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrDescription);
HRESULT Description ([in]BSTR bstrDescription);
HRESULT Division ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrDivision);
HRESULT Division ([in]BSTR bstrDivision);
HRESULT Department ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrDepartment);
HRESULT Department ([in]BSTR bstrDepartment);
HRESULT EmployeeID ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrEmployeeID);
HRESULT EmployeeID ([in]BSTR bstrEmployeeID);
HRESULT FullName ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrFullName);
HRESULT FullName ([in]BSTR bstrFullName);
HRESULT FirstName ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrFirstName);
HRESULT FirstName ([in]BSTR bstrFirstName);
HRESULT LastName ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrLastName);
HRESULT LastName ([in]BSTR bstrLastName);
HRESULT OtherName ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrOtherName);
HRESULT OtherName ([in]BSTR bstrOtherName);
HRESULT NamePrefix ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrNamePrefix);
HRESULT NamePrefix ([in]BSTR bstrNamePrefix);
HRESULT NameSuffix ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrNameSuffix);
HRESULT NameSuffix ([in]BSTR bstrNameSuffix);
HRESULT Title ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrTitle);
HRESULT Title ([in]BSTR bstrTitle);
HRESULT Manager ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrManager);
HRESULT Manager ([in]BSTR bstrManager);
HRESULT TelephoneNumber ([out, retval]VARIANT *pvarTelephoneNumber);
HRESULT TelephoneNumber ([in]VARIANT varTelephoneNumber);
HRESULT TelephoneHome ([out, retval]VARIANT *pvarTelephoneHome);
HRESULT TelephoneHome ([in]VARIANT varTelephoneHome);
HRESULT TelephoneMobile ([out, retval]VARIANT *pvarTelephoneMobile);
HRESULT TelephoneMobile ([in]VARIANT varTelephoneMobile);
HRESULT TelephonePager ([out, retval]VARIANT *pvarTelephonePager);
HRESULT TelephonePager ([in]VARIANT varTelephonePager);
HRESULT FaxNumber ([out, retval]VARIANT *pvarFaxNumber);
HRESULT FaxNumber ([in]VARIANT varFaxNumber);
HRESULT OfficeLocations ([out, retval]VARIANT *pvOfficeLocations);
HRESULT OfficeLocations ([in]VARIANT vOfficeLocations);
HRESULT PostalAddresses ([out, retval]VARIANT *pvAddresses);
HRESULT PostalAddresses ([in]VARIANT vAddresses);
HRESULT PostalCodes ([out, retval]VARIANT *pvPostalCodes);
HRESULT PostalCodes ([in]VARIANT vPostalCodes);
HRESULT SeeAlso ([out, retval]VARIANT *pvSeeAlso);
HRESULT SeeAlso ([in]VARIANT vSeeAlso);
HRESULT AccountDisabled ([out, retval]boolean *pbAccountDisabled);
HRESULT AccountDisabled ([in]boolean bAccountDisabled);
HRESULT AccountExpirationDate ([out, retval]DATE *pdateAccountExpirationDate);
HRESULT AccountExpirationDate ([in]DATE dateAccountExpirationDate);
HRESULT GraceLoginsAllowed ([out, retval]long *plGraceLoginsAllowed);
HRESULT GraceLoginsAllowed ([in]long lGraceLoginsAllowed);
HRESULT GraceLoginsRemaining ([out, retval]long *plGraceLoginsRemaining);
HRESULT GraceLoginsRemaining ([in]long lGraceLoginsRemaining);
HRESULT IsAccountLocked ([out, retval]boolean *pbIsAccountLocked);
HRESULT IsAccountLocked ([in]boolean bIsAccountLocked);
HRESULT LoginHours ([out, retval]VARIANT *pvLoginHours);
HRESULT LoginHours ([in]VARIANT vLoginHours);
HRESULT LoginWorkstations ([out, retval]VARIANT *pvLoginWorkstations);
HRESULT LoginWorkstations ([in]VARIANT vLoginWorkstations);
HRESULT MaxLogins ([out, retval]long *plMaxLogins);
HRESULT MaxLogins ([in]long lMaxLogins);
HRESULT MaxStorage ([out, retval]long *plMaxStorage);
HRESULT MaxStorage ([in]long lMaxStorage);
HRESULT PasswordExpirationDate ([out, retval]DATE *pdatePasswordExpirationDate);
HRESULT PasswordExpirationDate ([in]DATE datePasswordExpirationDate);
HRESULT PasswordMinimumLength ([out, retval]long *plPasswordMinimumLength);
HRESULT PasswordMinimumLength ([in]long lPasswordMinimumLength);
HRESULT PasswordRequired ([out, retval]boolean *pbPasswordRequired);
HRESULT PasswordRequired ([in]boolean bPasswordRequired);
HRESULT RequireUniquePassword ([out, retval]boolean *pbRequireUniquePassword);
HRESULT RequireUniquePassword ([in]boolean bRequireUniquePassword);
HRESULT EmailAddress ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrEmailAddress);
HRESULT EmailAddress ([in]BSTR bstrEmailAddress);
HRESULT HomeDirectory ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrHomeDirectory);
HRESULT HomeDirectory ([in]BSTR bstrHomeDirectory);
HRESULT Languages ([out, retval]VARIANT *pvLanguages);
HRESULT Languages ([in]VARIANT vLanguages);
HRESULT Profile ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrProfile);
HRESULT Profile ([in]BSTR bstrProfile);
HRESULT LoginScript ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrLoginScript);
HRESULT LoginScript ([in]BSTR bstrLoginScript);
HRESULT HomePage ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrHomePage);
HRESULT HomePage ([in]BSTR bstrHomePage);
HRESULT Picture ([out, retvalVARIANT *pvarPicture);
HRESULT Picture ([in]VARIANT varPicture);
// Methods.
HRESULT Groups ([out, retval]IADsMembers **ppGroups);
HRESULT SetPassword ([in]BSTR bstr NewPassword);
HRESULT ChangePassword ( [in]BSTR bstrOldPassword
[in]BSTR bstrNewPassword);
Method | Syntax | Description |
BadLoginAddress | NetAddress | Gets the address of last node that is considered an Intruder (kept if Intruder detection is active). |
BadLoginCount | Integer | If Intruder detection is active, gets the number of bad logon attempts since the last reset time. |
LastLogin | Time | Gets the time and date of last network logon. |
LastLogoff | Time | Gets the time and date of last network logoff. |
LastFailedLogin | Time | Gets the time and date of last failed network login. |
PasswordLastChanged | Time | Gets the last time the password was changed. |
Groups | Method | Returns a collection of Group objects representing the groups that this user is a member of. |
Description | String | Gets and sets the text description of the user. |
Country | String | Gets and sets the reference to the country. |
Division | String | Gets and sets the division within a company (organization). |
Department | String | Gets and sets the department (OU) within the company to which the user belongs. |
DepartmentNumber | String | Gets and sets department's charge number, e.g., 4911-19. |
EmployeeID | String | Gets and sets the user's employee ID. |
FullName | String | Gets and sets the user's full name. |
FirstName | String | Gets and sets the user's first name. |
LastName | String | Gets and sets the user's last name. |
OtherName | String | Gets and sets an additional name (for example, middle name) for the user |
NamePrefix | String | Prefix for the user's name, for example "Ms.", "Hon." |
NameSuffix | String | Suffix for the user's name, for example "Jr.", "III". |
Title | String | Gets and sets the user's title. |
Manager | String | Gets and sets the user's manager. |
TelephoneNumber | List | Gets and sets an array of (usually work-related) telephone numbers associated with the user |
TelephoneHome | List | Gets and sets an array og home telephone numbers for the user |
TelephoneMobile | List | Gets and sets an array of mobile telephone numbers for the user |
TelephonePager | List | Gets and sets an array of pager numbers for the user |
FaxNumber | List | Gets and sets the fax number associated with the user. |
OfficeLocations | List | Gets and sets an array of BSTR user locations. |
PostalAddresses | List | Gets and sets an array of BSTR postal addresses, multivalued in the case where the user has more than one address. The internal format of a Postal Address should comply with CCITT F.401 as referenced in X.521-1993, which defines a PostalAddress as 6 elements of 30 bytes each, holding a street address, (optionally) Post Office Box, city or locality, state or province, Postal Code, and Country. . |
PostalCodes | List | Gets and sets an array of BSTR postal codes.. |
SeeAlso | List | Gets and sets an array of Active Directory Paths of other objects related to this user. |
AccountDisabled | Boolean | Gets and sets if the account is or should be disabled. |
AccountExpirationDate | Time | Gets and sets the date and time after which the user cannot log in. |
GraceLoginsAllowed | Integer | Gets and sets the number of times the user can log on after the password has expired. |
GraceLoginsRemaining | Integer | Gets and sets how many grace logons are left before the account is locked. |
IsAccountLocked | Boolean | Gets and sets if account is locked because of intruder detection. |
LoginHours | OctetString | Gets and sets time periods for each day of the week during which logons are permitted for the user. Represented as a table of Booleans for the week, each indicating if that time slot is a valid logon time. |
LoginWorkstations | List | Gets and sets an array of BSTR addresses (or names) of workstations and net numbers at which the user can log on. |
MaxLogins | Integer | Gets and sets the number of simultaneous login sessions allowed. |
MaxStorage | Integer | Gets and sets the maximum amount of disk space a user can have. Expressed in KBytes. |
PasswordExpirationDate | Time | Gets and sets the date and time at which the password expires. |
PasswordMinimumLength | Integer | Gets and sets the minimum password length. |
PasswordRequired | Boolean | Gets and sets if the password is required. |
RequireUniquePassword | Boolean | Gets and sets if a new password must be different than those known through a password history. |
EmailAddress | EmailAddress | Gets and sets the user's e-mail address. |
HomeDirectory | Path | Gets and sets the user's home directory. |
Languages | List | Gets and sets an array of BSTR language names for the user. |
Profile | Path | Gets and sets the path of user's profile. |
LoginScript | Path | Gets and sets the logon script path. | HomePage | String | Gets and sets a string containing the URL of a home page for this user. |
Picture | OctetString | Gets and sets array of bytes that hold an image. |
Groups | Method | Returns a collection of Group objects representing the groups that this user is a member of. |
SetPassword | Method | Sets the user's password to a specified value. |
ChangePassword | Method | Changes the user's password from the specified old value to a new value. |