The IADsFileShare interface is used to get and set the properties of the File Share object. The interface definition is as follows:
[ object, uuid(IID_IADsFileShare), oleautomation, dual ]
interface IADsFileShare: IADs
// Read-only properties.
HRESULT CurrentUserCount ([out, retval]long *lUserCount);
// Read/write properties
HRESULT Description ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrDescription);
HRESULT Description ([out, retval]BSTR bstrDescription);
HRESULT HostComputer ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrHostComputer);
HRESULT HostComputer ([out, retval]BSTR bstrHostComputer);
HRESULT Path ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrPath);
HRESULT Path ([out, retval]BSTR bstrPath);
HRESULT MaxUserCount ([out, retval]long *plMaxUserCount);
HRESULT MaxUserCount ([out, retval]long lMaxUserCount);
HRESULT NetAddresses ([out, retval]VARIANT *pvNetAddresses);
HRESULT NetAddresses ([in]VARIANT vNetAddresses);
Method | Syntax | Description |
CurrentUserCount | Integer | Gets the current number of users connected to the share. |
Description | String | Gets and sets the description of the file share. |
HostComputer | ADsPath | Gets and sets a reference to the host computer. |
Path | Path | Gets and sets the file system path to the shared directory. |
MaxUserCount | Integer | Gets and sets the maximum number of users allowed to access the share at one time. |
NetAddresses | List | Gets and sets an array of NetAddress fields that represent the binding information for an object. The NetAddress syntax is discussed in Chapter 6, "Object Extensions". |