The optional IADsCOMBindingInfo interface is used to obtain binding information for services that publish COM Interfaces. IADsCOMBindingInfo is designed for C/C++ and other VTABLE clients; it is not supported from Automation controllers.
The interface definition is as follows:
interface IADsCOMBindingInfo: IUnknown
// Read/write properties
HRESULT DisplayName([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrDisplayName);
HRESULT DisplayName([in]BSTR bstrDisplayName);
HRESULT Object ([in]REFIID riid, [out,iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject);
HRESULT Object ([in]Iunknown* punkObject);
HRESULT Moniker ([out, retval]Imoniker **ppMk);
HRESULT Moniker ([in]Imoniker *pMk);
// Methods.
HRESULT put_BindingInfo([in] BSTR* pszDisplayName,
[in] IUnknown* punkObject,
[in] IMoniker* pmk);
HRESULT get_BindingInfo([out, retval] BSTR* pszDisplayName,
[in] REFIID riid,
out, iid_is(riid)] void** ppvObject,
[out, retval] IMoniker** ppmk);
Method | Syntax | Description |
DisplayName | BSTR | Gets and sets a BSTR display name that can be passed to CreateFileMoniker to bind this service |
Object | Interface | Gets and sets an interface pointer that can be used to bind to a running instance of this service. The provider is responsible for marahslling and storing the interface pointer on a PUT_ operation and retrieving and unmarshalling the interface pointer on a GET_ operation. |
Moniker | Interface | Gets and sets a Moniker that can be used to bind to an instance of this service. The provider is responsible for serializing and storing the Moniker on a PUT_ and retrieving and restoring the Moniker on a GET_. |
Put_BindingInfo | Method | sets an array of display names, interface pointers, and/or monikers used to bind this service. Each parameter is an array of pointers terminated by a NULL pointer. A NULL for any parameter indicates that it is unused. |
Get_BindingInfo | Method | gets an array of display names, interface pointers, and/or monikers used to bind this service. Each parameter is an array of pointers terminated by a NULL pointer. A NULL for any parameter indicates that it is unused. The riid array is used to request a set of specific interface pointers from the underlying namespace. |