The IADsPrintJob interface is used to get and set the properties of the Print Job object. The interface definition is as follows:
[ object, uuid(IID_IADsPrintJob), oleautomation, dual ]
interface IADsPrintJob: IADs
// Read-only properties.
HRESULT HostPrintQueue ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrHostPrintQueue);
HRESULT User ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrUser);
HRESULT UserPath ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrUserPath);
HRESULT TimeSubmitted ([out, retval]DATE *pdateTimeSubmitted);
HRESULT TotalPages ([out, retval]long *plTotalPages);
HRESULT Size ([out, retval]long *plSize);
// Read/write properties
HRESULT Description ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrDescription);
HRESULT Description ([in]BSTR bstrDescription);
HRESULT Priority ([out, retval]long *plPriority);
HRESULT Priority ([in]long lPriority);
HRESULT StartTime ([out, retval]DATE *plStartTime);
HRESULT StartTime ([in]DATE lStartTime);
HRESULT UntilTime ([out, retval]DATE *pdateUntilTime);
HRESULT UntilTime ([in]DATE dateUntilTime);
HRESULT Notify ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrNotify);
HRESULT Notify ([in]BSTR bstrNotify);
HRESULT NotifyPath ([out, retval]BSTR *pbstrNotifyPath);
HRESULT NotifyPath ([in]BSTR bstrNotifyPath);
Method | Syntax | Description |
HostPrintQueue | ADsPath | Gets the ADsPath string that references the Print Queue which is processing the print job. |
User | String | Gets the name of user that submitted the print job. |
UserPath | ADsPath | Gets the ADsPath of the user object for the user that submitted this print job |
TimeSubmitted | Time | Gets the time that the job was submitted to the queue. |
TotalPages | Integer | Gets the total number of pages in the print job. |
Size | Integer | Gets the size of the print job in bytes. |
Description | String | Gets and sets the description of the print job. |
Priority | Integer | Gets and sets the priority of the print job. |
StartTime | Time | Gets and sets the earliest time the job should be printed. |
UntilTime | Time | Gets and sets the latest time the job should be printed. |
Notify | String | Gets and sets the user to notify when job processing is complete. |
NotifyPath | ADsPath | Gets and sets the ADsPath for the user object of the user to notify when job processing is complete |