Application Programming Interface (API)

The intent of the API is not to support development of a single, unified licensing system. Rather, its goal is to standardize access to and use of certain basic functions that are common to many licensing products across the industry.

A standard licensing interface enables software developers to produce a single implementation of their product that interacts equally well with any licensing system supporting LSAPI. The common API supports both basic and sophisticated licensing products and policies, while remaining easy to use.

The table below summarizes the calls in the LSAPI.


Request the licensing system to grant the calling software authorization to execute.


Request that the licensing system release licensing resources associated with a specific context.


Update the synchronization between the Application Software and the licensing system, providing many functions including verification of previous licensing system grants.


Return error code and, if desired, error string.


Enumerate the installed license system service providers.


Obtain information about the license or service provider.