Data Structures

Since the LSAPI standard provides for multiple challenge/response protocols, it is necessary to have a basic data structure format along with a tag field which identifies the protocol being used. The Basic Challenge mechanism is tagged as LS_BASIC_PROTOCOL.


The LS_CHALLENGE data structure is supported by all protocols. This structure is used for both the challenge and challenge response of LSRequest(), and LSUpdate().

typedef struct {

LS_ULONG Protocol; // Specifies the protocol

LS_ULONG Size; // size of ChallengeData structure

LS_CHALLDATA ChallengeData; // challenge & response



This data structure is passed in the LS_CHALLENGE structure from the application to the license system.

struct { // Challenge for LS_BASIC_PROTOCOL is

LS_ULONG SecretIndex; // index of secret, X,

LS_ULONG Random; // a random 32-bit value, R

LS_MSG_DIGEST MsgDigest; // the message digest h(in,R,S,Sx).



The message digest structure is:

typedef struct {

LS_UCHAR MessageDigest[16]; // a 128-bit message digest