4.2 General Header

The items listed below are stored sequentially in the general header.

4.2.1 Identification ID

The character string given below is stored in the first 32 bytes.


4.2.2 Parameter Structure

The parameter structure is defined as:

typedef struct {
// In a RASTEL font, as design of a DBCS character, the height should be equal to the width.
// Besides, as design of a SBCS character, the height should be equal to the width of DBCS
// character and the width should be the half height of DBCS character.
USHORT PixelSizeOfFont;
// Defines the height of DBCS character.
// For example, in the case 16 x 16 dot font, the height  is 16.

// Defines the height of SBCS characters.
// For example, in the case of 8 x 16 dot font, the height is 16.


4.2.3 Segment Table

The segment table is defined as follows:

typedef struct {
ULONG OffsetInFile;
// Indicates the location in byte of each segment in the file.
USHORT SizeOfSegmentOnFile;
// Set the size in bytes of each segment as it is put in the file.
// (or as it is compressed, if applicable).
USHORT SizeOfSegmentOnMemory;
// Set the size in bytes of each segment as it is put in memory.
// (or as it is decompressed if previously compressed)
USHORT CompressionMode;
// Indicates the compression method for each segment.
// Only available number 1 indicates Standard Format.
USHORT SegmentAttribute;
// If bit 0 is 1, the segment will be preloaded.
// If bit 1 is 1, the discardable attribute will be added.
USHORT Reserved1;
USHORT Reserved2;
// System reserved area.  Always set 0.


typedef struct {
USHORT NumberOfSegments;
// Set the number of segments contained in the file.
ONE_SEGMENT OneSegment[];
// Set the information for each segment.

In segments 0 to 2, set the following data:

Segment 0: Patch table for horizontal-writing characters

Segment 1: Patch table for vertical-writing characters

Segment 2: Code area table