Miscellaneous instructions

The following instruction obtains information about the current glyph and the scaler version.

GET INFOrmation


Code Range



selector (integer)


result (integer)

GETINFO is used to obtain data about the font scaler version and the characteristics of the current glyph. The instruction pops a selector used to determine the type of information desired and pushes a result onto the stack.

A selector value of 1 indicates that the scaler version number is the desired information, a value of 2 is a request for glyph rotation status, a value of 4 asks whether the glyph has been stretched. (Looking at this another way, setting bit 0 asks for the scaler version number, setting bit 1 asks for the rotation information, setting bit 2 ask for stretching information. To request information on two or more of these set the appropriate bits.)

The result pushed onto the stack contains the requested information. More precisely, bits 0 through 7 comprise the Scaler version number. Version 1 is Macintosh System 6 INIT, version 2 is Macintosh System 7, and version 3 is Windows 3.1. Version numbers 0 and 4 through 255 are reserved.

Bit 8 is set to 1 if the current glyph has been rotated. It is 0 otherwise. Setting bit 9 to 1 indicates that the glyph has been stretched. It is 0 otherwise.

When the selector is set to request more than one piece of information, that information is OR'd together and pushed onto the stack. For example, a selector value of 6 requests both information on rotation and stretching and will result in the setting of both bits 8 and 9.