BASE Header

The BASE table begins with a header that consists of a version number for the table (Version), initially set to 1.0 (0x00010000), and offsets to horizontal and vertical Axis tables (HorizAxis and VertAxis).

Each Axis table stores all baseline information and min/max extents for one layout direction. The HorizAxis table contains Y values for horizontal text layout; the VertAxis table contains X values for vertical text layout.

A font may supply information for both layout directions. If a font has values for only one text direction, the Axis table offset value for the other direction will be set to NULL.

Example 1 at the end of this chapter shows a sample BASE Header.

BASE Header






Version of the BASE table

—initially 0x00010000


š HorizAxis

Offset to horizontal Axis table

—from beginning of BASE table

—may be NULL


š VertAxis

Offset to vertical Axis table

—from beginning of BASE table

—may be NULL