Justification Maximum Table

A Justification Maximum table (JstfMax) consists of an array of offsets to justification lookups (Lookup) and a count of the defined lookups (Lookup). JstfMax lookups typically are located after the JstfMax table in the font definition.

JstfMax tables have the same format as lookup tables and subtables in the GPOS table, but the JstfMax lookups reside in the JSTF table and contain justification data only. The lookup data might specify a single adjustment value for positioning all glyphs in the script, or it might specify more elaborate adjustments, such as different values for different glyphs or special values for specific pairs of glyphs.

Note: All GPOS lookup types except contextual positioning lookups may be defined in a JstfMax table.

JstfMax lookup values are defined in GPOS ValueRecords and may be specified for any advance or placement position, whether horizontal or vertical. These values define the maximum shrinkage or extension allowed per glyph. To justify text, a text-processing client may choose to adjust a glyph's positioning by any amount from zero (0) to the specified maximum.

Example 4 at the end of this chapter shows a JstfMax table. It defines a justification lookup to change the size of the word space glyph to extend line lengths.

JstfMax table






Number of lookup Indices for this modification


Ž Lookup

Array of offsets to GPOS-type lookup tables


—from beginning of JstfMax table

—in design order