Where to Look for Information

Current versions of this document as well as other technical update and technical notes and sample code are available from:

  1. Current versions of any document may be obtained by calling (800) 227-4679 x11768. You will need to have the part number.
  2. CompuServe WINSDK forum
  3. Via anonymous FTP on ftp.uu.net in the vendors\microsoft\multimedia directory. Sample code is in the samples directory and technical notes are in the technote directory.
  4. Microsoft Multimedia File Transfer BBS at (425) 936-4082 in the files library in the specs section in the MSFTMM.ZIP file. Sample code is available in the samples section and technical notes are available in the technote section. BBS modem settings are 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit.
  5. You can write to: Microsoft
    Multimedia Product Management
    One Microsoft Way
    Redmond, WA 98052-6399
    FAX: (425) 93MSFAX