Digital Video Extensions

DWORD lParam1

The following extensions apply to digital-video devices:


Specifies that a position value is included in the dwTo field of the data structure identified by lParam2. The position value specifies the position to begin pasting data into the workspace. If this flag is omitted, the position defaults to the current position.


Specifies that a rectangle is included in the rc field of the data structure identified by lParam2. The first two values of the rectangle specify the point within the frame to place the Clipboard information. If the rectangle height and width are nonzero, then the Clipboard contents are scaled to those dimensions when they are pasted in the frame. If the flag is omitted, MCI_PASTE defaults to the entire frame rectangle.


Indicates that Clipboard data should be inserted in the existing workspace at the position specified by the MCI_TO value. Any existing data after the insertion point is moved in the workspace to make room. This is the default.


Specifies that Clipboard data should replace data already present in the workspace. The workspace data replaced follows the insertion point.


Specifies an audio-stream number is included in the dwAudioStream field of the data structure identified by lParam2. If only one audio stream exists on the Clipboard, the audio data is pasted into the designated stream. If more than one audio stream exists on the Clipboard, the stream indicates the starting number for the stream sequences. If you use this flag and also want to paste video, you must also use the MCI_DGV_PASTE_VIDEO_STREAM flag. (If neither flag is specified, all audio and video streams are pasted starting with the first audio and video stream. Each pasted stream retains its original stream number.)


Specifies a video-stream number is included in the dwVideoStream field of the data structure identified by lParam2. If only one video stream exists on the Clipboard, the video data is pasted into the designated stream. If more than one video stream exists on the Clipboard, the stream indicates the starting number for the stream sequences. If you use this flag and also want to paste audio, you must also use the MCI_DGV_PASTE_AUDIO_STREAM flag. (If neither flag is specified, all audio and video streams are pasted starting with the first audio and video stream. Each pasted stream retains its original stream number.)


Specifies a far pointer to an MCI_DGV_PASTE_PARMS data structure.

Return Value

Returns zero if successful. Otherwise, it returns an MCI error code.


The change becomes permanent only when the data is explicitly saved. However, playback functions as if the data had actually been removed.

The MCI_DGV_PASTE_OVERWRITE and MCI_DGV_PASTE_INSERT flags specify whether or not frames are destroyed or moved during the paste operation. They do not specify how the data is pasted within each frame.