Digital Video Extensions

DWORD lParam1

The following additional flags apply to digital-video devices:


Sets the format used for positioning. This flag must be used with MCI_SET_ON or MCI_SET_OFF. If MCI_SET_ON is specified, the device driver uses the seek exactly format. When enabled, playing or recording precisely accesses the frame specified with the MCI_FROM flag. This might add some extra delay if the requested frame is not key frame.

If MCI_SET_OFF is specified, the device will seek to a key-frame image that precedes the requested frame. For some files and some devices, this might be the first frame of the file.

The default for this flag is device dependent.


Specifies that a file format parameter is included in the dwFileFormat field of the data structure identified by lParam2. For digital-video devices, the file format is used for save or capture commands. If omitted, this might default to a device driver defined format. If the specified file format conflicts with the currently selected algorithm and quality then they are changed to the defaults for the file format. The following file format constants are defined:


Specifies AVSS format.


Specifies AVI format.


Specifies DIB format.


Specifies JPEG format.


Specifies MPEG format.


Specifies RLE DIB format.


Specifies JFIF format.


Specifies RJPEG format.


Specifies that a speed parameter is included in the dwSpeed field of the data structure identified by lParam2. Speed is specified as a ratio between the nominal frame rate and the desired frame rate where the nominal frame rate is designated as 1000. Half speed is 500 and double speed is 2000. The allowable speed range is device, and possibly file, dependent.


When used with MCI_DGV_SET_FILEFORMAT, MCI_SET sets the file format used for capture commands.


Specifies a far pointer to the MCI_DGV_SET_PARMS data structure. This parameter replaces the standard default parameter data structure identified by lParam2.

Return Value

Returns zero if successful. Otherwise, it returns an MCI error code.