Digital Video Extensions

DWORD lParam1

The following additional flag applies to digital-video devices.


Prevents the release of resources required to redraw a still image on the display. The window will continue to display its last image even if the window is redrawn.


Specifies a far pointer to the MCI_DGV_STOP_PARMS data structure.

Return Value

Returns zero if successful. Otherwise, it returns an MCI error code.


The difference between MCI_STOP and MCI_PAUSE depends on the device. If possible, MCI_PAUSE suspends device operation but leaves the device ready to resume play immediately.

For digital-video devices, MCI_STOP stops the playing or recording of motion video or audio. Stopping a device might also free resources supporting playing or recording. (This might enable other device instances to play or record.) Unless the command includes the MCI_DGV_STOP_HOLD flag the display may turn a solid color. This command will abort any pending notification for a play command in progress.

See Also