Polling Method Functions

BOOL WinWatchDidStatusChange(HWINWATCH hWW);


Returns TRUE whenever the clipping information for a window has changed. This function then continues to return TRUE until WinWatchGetClipList has been called.

An application can call GetWindowRegionData to find out the actual visible area of the window, or call WinWatchGetClipList. See also: WinWatchGetClipList

extern UINT WINAPI WinWatchGetClipList(HWINWATCH hWW, LPRECT prc, UINT size, LPRGNDATA prd);


Returns the current visible region of the window being watched, intersected with the passed rectangle (rectangle is in client coordinates). A call to this function also clears the dirty flag.

Unlike GetWindowRegionData this function keeps a version of the cliplist around and only recomputes it if the visible area has changed.

The rectangles that returns are in screen coordinates.


The DCI Client must ensure that the bounding rectangle specified in the prc parameter intersects the destination rectangle passed down to the DCI Provider.