A.2 Plug and Play Logical Device Control Registers

Table A-2. Plug and Play Logical Device Control Registers


Address Port Value




For each logical device there is one activate register that controls whether or not the logical device is active on the ISA bus. Bit[0], if set, activates the logical device. Bits[7:1] are reserved and must return 0 on reads. This is a read/write register. Before a logical device is activated, I/O range check must be disabled.

I/O Range Check


This register is used to perform a conflict check on the I/O port range programmed for use by a logical device.

Bit[7:2] Reserved and must return 0 on reads

Bit[1] Enable I/O Range check, if set then I/O Range Check is enabled. I/O range check is only valid when the logical device is inactive.

Bit[0], if set, forces the logical device to respond to I/O reads of the logical device's assigned I/O range with a 0x55 when I/O range check is in operation. If clear, the logical device drives 0xAA. This register is read/write.

Logical Device Control Reserved

0x32 - 0x37

Reserved for future use

Logical Device Control Vendor Defined

0x38 - 0x3F

Vendor defined registers