Appendix D. Sample Configuration Record for ABC Ethernet Card

The ABC card does not require any DMA or memory resources. It requires one interrupt channel (any IRQ) and requires a single I/O port in the 0x200 - 0x3E0 range (0x10 bytes aligned). The card doesn't have any additional on-board information. The vendor ID of ABC is "ABC." The vendor assigned product number for this card is "905", it's revision level is "0" and the serial # is 0x8C123456. The card has only one logical device, an Ethernet controller. There are no compatible devices with this logical device. The following record should be returned by the card during the identification phase:

; Plug and Play Header
DB     0x04                                   ; Vendor EISA ID (Vendor ID Byte 0)
DB     0x43                                   ; Vendor EISA ID (Vendor ID Byte 1)
DB     0x90                                   ; Product number- hex digits 1 and 2 (Vendor ID Byte 2)
DB     0x50                                   ; Product number- hex digit 3 and revision digit (Vendor ID Byte 3)
DB     0x56                                   ; Serial Number Byte 0
DB     0x34                                   ; Serial Number Byte 1
DB     0x12                                   ; Serial Number Byte 2
DB     0x8C                                   ; Serial Number Byte 3
DB Check Sum                              ; check sum calculated on above bits
; Plug and Play Version
DB     0x0A                                   ; Small Item, Plug and Play version
DB 0x10                                       ; BCD major version [7:4] = 1
                                              ; BCD minor version [3:0] = 0
DB     0x00                                   ; Vendor specified version number
; Identifier String (ANSI)
DB     0x82                                   ; Large item, type identifier string(ANSI)
DB     0x1C                                   ; Length Byte 0 (28)
DB     0x00                                   ; Length Byte 1
DB     "ABC Ethernet Network Adapter"     ; Identifier string
; Logical Device ID
DB     0x15                                   ; Small item, type logical device ID
DB     0x04                                   ; Vendor EISA ID Byte 0
DB     0x43                                   ; Vendor EISA ID Byte 1
DB     0x90                                   ; Function ID (Hex digits 1 and 2)
DB     0x50                                   ; Function ID (Hex digit 3 and revision digit)
DB     0x01                                   ; Logical device Flags[0]- required for boot
; I/O Port Descriptor
DB     0x47                                   ; Small item, type I/O port 
                                              ; descriptor
DB 0x00                                       ; Information, [0]=0, 10 bit decode
DB     0x00                                   ; Minimum base address [7:0]
DB 0x02                                       ; Minimum base address [15:8]
DB 0xEO                                       ; Maximum base address [7:0]
DB     0x03                                   ; Maximum base address [15:8]
DB     0x10                                   ; Base address increment (16 ports)
DB     0x01                                   ; Number of ports required
; IRQ Format
DB     0x23                                   ; Small item, type IRQ format
DB     0xFF                                   ; Mask IRQ [7:0], all supported
DB     0xFF                                   ; Mask IRQ [15:8], all supported
DB 0x01                                       ; Information: high true, edge 
DB     0x78                                   ; Small item, type END tag
DB     0x??                                   ; Checksum