6.4.3. SCAM ID assignment algorithm

SCAM masters should assign the same SCSI ID to SCAM devices as previously assigned to the SCAM device to ensure consistent ID assignment. If the SCAM master is unable to maintain a non-volatile device table or there has been no previous ID assignment, then the following algorithm should be used (see Appendix C for examples):

Note During the isolation stage, the SCAM master isolates each SCAM device one at a time and stores the device's Default ID. The 5-bit ID field within the Type Code contains the device's Default ID. The SCAM master shall assign the SCAM device a Soft ID after its isolation stage is completed and before proceeding to isolate the next SCAM device.

The SCAM master shall assign Soft IDs that are available and not already used by any other device on the bus. The first choice shall be the device's Default ID. Otherwise, the choice shall be the next smaller ID that is available. If ID zero is not available, the SCAM master shall assign the highest available ID. If no ID is available, no Soft ID shall be assigned to the device.