3.3 Type
The type field can either be a number or a double-null-terminated Unicode string specifying the name of the type. This variable kind of type is known as a "Name or Ordinal" field, and is used in most places in a resource file where an ID may appear.
The first WORD of a Name or Ordinal field identifies whether the field is a number or a string. If the first WORD is 0xffff (an invalid Unicode character), then the following WORD of information is the type number. Otherwise, the field is specified by a Unicode string.
If the type field is a number, then the number specifies a standard or user-defined resource type. All standard Windows resource types have been assigned numbers, which are listed below. This list is taken from the header file used to make RC and contains the type number of the various resource types:
/* Predefined resource types */
#define RT_NEWRESOURCE 0x2000
#define RT_ERROR 0x7fff
#define RT_CURSOR 1
#define RT_BITMAP 2
#define RT_ICON 3
#define RT_MENU 4
#define RT_DIALOG 5
#define RT_STRING 6
#define RT_FONTDIR 7
#define RT_FONT 8
#define RT_RCDATA 10
#define RT_GROUP_CURSOR 12
#define RT_GROUP_ICON 14
#define RT_VERSION 16
If the type field is a string, then the type is a user-defined type.