WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr() | A set of functions which provide asynchronous |
WSAAsyncGetHostByName() | versions of the standard Berkeley |
WSAAsyncGetProtoByName() | getXbyY() functions. For example, the |
WSAAsyncGetProtoByNumber() | WSAAsyncGetHostByName() function provides an |
WSAAsyncGetServByName() | asynchronous message based implementation of |
WSAAsyncGetServByPort() | the standard Berkeley gethostbyname() function. |
WSAAsyncSelect() | Perform asynchronous version of select() |
WSACancelAsyncRequest() | Cancel an outstanding instance of a WSAAsyncGetXByY() function. |
WSACancelBlockingCall() | Cancel an outstanding "blocking" API call |
WSACleanup() | Sign off from the underlying Windows Sockets DLL. |
WSAGetLastError() | Obtain details of last Windows Sockets API error |
WSAIsBlocking() | Determine if the underlying Windows Sockets DLL is already blocking an existing call for this thread |
WSASetBlockingHook() | "Hook" the blocking method used by the underlying Windows Sockets implementation |
WSASetLastError() | Set the error to be returned by a subsequent WSAGetLastError() |
WSAStartup() | Initialize the underlying Windows Sockets DLL. |
WSAUnhookBlockingHook() | Restore the original blocking function |